Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Noble Nobel????

I have tried to avoid entering this morass, but nonetheless the Nobel Committee has asked for my opinion on this issue. The Members have received numerous letters complaining of their recent choices: Peace, Economics, etc........

Let's take the easy one first: Economics. The award was won by two American Economists, Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson (a Wisconsin-bred boy). Without getting into specifics, Elinor was a fantastic choice dealing with the ability of free people to choose and chart their own paths without governmental intrusion.
Oliver has been a noted scholar dealing with the idea of transaction cost economics and the governance of the firm.
Both are free-market economists, and very friendly to the ideas and ideals of Austrian economics. Congrats to both....Well-done.

The Committee seemed confused....They chose two free thinkers and then???????????????

After doing research for literally decades, both Ostrom and Williamson clearly wasted their efforts and time. The Peace Prize went to someone with no records of achievement in any field, little research, not even good enough writing skills to win a Lit prize. Current resume includes some stints in public appointments, but no real efforts in previous or current employment. I am somewhat confused. But then I remembered previous American political winners: Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore. It seems as though these winners fall into a special category........socialist, anti-American supremacy, pro-European decadence. Great winners like Elie Wiesel, MLK, and Mother Theresa appear devalued by these.

The current winner had been President of the US for less than 11 days when the "application" was submitted to the Committee. Nothing of value had (nor so far has) been accomplished, not even a good speech (sans teleprompter). As a Senator, most votes were against his nation (or "mistakenly" pro-US). As a State politician his record is one of derogatory comments and actions towards success. Now as the BOSS, he has begun to punish those with good jobs and benefits (especially insurance). Taxation is his and his junta of Czars' manner to redistribute the rewards of those successes. I don't recall if Robin Hood received a Nobel anything. But efforts without a governmental approval must be wrong.

Modern society sends its monetary rewards to those who produce nothing. The Nobel Committee has continued the this sad trend. The Peace Prize DID come with a money award (lots of kroner).