Friday, July 24, 2009

Post-Racial America???

Seems like we have a racist in the "White" House! Also at Harvard. But not in Cambridge. What's up? Obviously when a back man is arrested, it is due to racial profiling. Or so "Professor" Gates thinks. First, does Harvard have any real professors? Second, is there such a thing as race? The 14th Amendment clearly outlawed it....that's right! Even though Sotomayer has said that maybe we need international law to "correct" the US Constitution, it is pretty obvious we have a document that some politicians I know have not read, let alone enforce or refer to.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton is vowing to attend Gates' arraignment."This arrest is indicative of at best police abuse of power or at worst the highest example of racial profiling I have seen," Sharpton said. "I have heard of driving while black and even shopping while black but now even going to your own home while black is a new low in police community affairs."

Now "Reverend" Sharpton, knowing that you do not live in a neighborhood similar to the people you claim to be helping emerge from the remnants of slavery (Nor for that matter the police officers who protect rich whining racists like other Harvard "professors."), were not the officers responding to a citizen complaint from a passerby or neighbor? Should not police actually investigate property rights violations? Was the white officer or the black officer racially profiling? Was the white officer in a master-slave relationship with his partner?(Oh, I'm sorry! According to Gates' work: his oppressed untermensch!) Seems that Gates and associates are racially profiling police white police officers. Both Officers, I salute your work, and apologize for the Obama who represents this nation for a job done well.

Mr. Obama has nothing to say about this issue, especially from the bully pulpit. This is a police matter, a local issue, clearly none of his business. He can as a friend of the suspect provide bail money, but stay out of it.

"Stupidity" I would say look at the pot, but that might be racial profiling.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mr. President, I knew John Galt. You are not John Galt!


Now that the wimpy RNC Chair Steele has said that Obama is a socialist, Mr. Obama got indignant saying that the time for "politics was over." Lives depend on this PLAN. That is the connection that Mr. Steele didn't press hard enough. Steele is correct Obama, Pelosi, Baby Geithner are archetypal socialist a la Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin. They believe they have the answers, thus debate is really irrelevant and irreverent. One only needs debate if one respects discussion, one does not discuss when the "answers/solutions are obvious." Thus all who disagree are sent to camps, or dismissed as politicians.

But simple economics will show B.O. and henchmen they are 100% (Democratic math 102%) wrong. In Graph A above one can see that when Supply (S) equals Demand (D), there is both equilibrium quantities and equilibrium prices. Though these prices and quantities are never stable the concept is easily seen by any high school econ student. If there is a balance all willing to pay EQ get EQ, those who want their money more keep it, those doctors/hospitals, etc who prefer to not provide health care for that amount, go fishing. Everyone is happy!! Everybody has what is most valuable for them $ or RX.


Looking at graph B, one sees the so-called price ceiling above which prices can't go. Health care providers will not provide enough unless at gunpoint, or some other fascist coercion for the number who are now going to demand it. Providers will provide Q1 while demanders want Q2. How do they (the infamous THEY) expect to close that gap? Force or shoddy health care. Doctors who almost pass med school will be the extra providers, thus we will get enough....Enough is sometimes too much.

Sometimes a picture tells a good story......just act Rod Stewart.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Healthier Care???

We are soon to have a lesser America. The "politicians" in Washington D.C. (Da Capitol) are most likely to pass some form of a national socialist health care plan. The idea of national health care is merely an attempt by the few to rule the many. Currently we hear that "lives depend" on this being passed, "debate has ended," "This is a crisis." All of these are typical terms used by the State, President Obama, and little men of less character. How many that are voting for this are going to use this new health initiative?

Why is health care so expensive? 1) Medicare and Medicaid! Two programs run by government which illustrate the success of government. Many who had previously had community sponsored health care: doctors billing cheaper, or differently (barter) or even pro bono, no longer exists. Family members cared for one another. There were incentives to eat better, take care of our own sniffles, hang nails, etc. With Medicare and Medicaid, (along with other government "pro-family" agenda: abortion, welfare, poor schooling, and weak property rights protection) people are wasting abusing and devouring medical services and drugs like candy. (Be careful that's next of the planners list!)

2) When someone else pays, party. Why not have food insurance next? We go to the grocery store with a "Greens Card" fill the cart and have someone, or government pay. There are no real incentives, even with a deductible, to spend less. Health care is no longer a personal issue. Rather, "Who's your daddy?" When was the last time anyone asked the doctor what the costs were, prior to service???

3) What incentives are there for Government to provide the right health care. When I pay the bill, I purchase only what I feel is worth more to me than the money spent. Free markets provide only that which benefits them. They continue to innovate to lower costs, so they make more money, and provide cheaper and better goods and services. If they fail, they go bankrupt. If they provide well, they grow; but always under threat of something and someone better. We win as consumers. Medicine is NO DIFFERENT! Will government fail? YES! Will it pay the price? No we will, with higher prices for less quality. What incentives will doctors, who are now government employees, to work better than the DMV or Postal Services. Hospitals will become like Congress, mediocre. But taxes will continue to rise on the successful, while the rest of us sit around not working, not being taxed eating Black Market Twinkies* (That no taxing Black Market Twinkies sounds pretty cool, just don't cough and get caught!!)

4) Good health care will still exist, underground in back alleys, late at night for cash. I thought Obama has already been to kiss Putin's ass this should have given him some insight. Those who know someone will get good care, just illegally.

5) Thomas Sowell's article is brilliant. So most people probably haven't read it!

Take Care, or they will.