According to the Rev. Al Sharpton is vowing to attend Gates' arraignment."This arrest is indicative of at best police abuse of power or at worst the highest example of racial profiling I have seen," Sharpton said. "I have heard of driving while black and even shopping while black but now even going to your own home while black is a new low in police community affairs."
Now "Reverend" Sharpton, knowing that you do not live in a neighborhood similar to the people you claim to be helping emerge from the remnants of slavery (Nor for that matter the police officers who protect rich whining racists like other Harvard "professors."), were not the officers responding to a citizen complaint from a passerby or neighbor? Should not police actually investigate property rights violations? Was the white officer or the black officer racially profiling? Was the white officer in a master-slave relationship with his partner?(Oh, I'm sorry! According to Gates' work: his oppressed untermensch!) Seems that Gates and associates are racially profiling police white police officers. Both Officers, I salute your work, and apologize for the Obama who represents this nation for a job done well.
Mr. Obama has nothing to say about this issue, especially from the bully pulpit. This is a police matter, a local issue, clearly none of his business. He can as a friend of the suspect provide bail money, but stay out of it.
"Stupidity" I would say look at the pot, but that might be racial profiling.
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