Thursday, September 11, 2008

9-11 Remembered

Today's is the anniversary of a terrible tragedy in American history. It is the day Americans began to accept the slide towards fascism. What you say! Don't turn to belittling the fallen heroes of 9-11! The people who died in the Towers of 9-11 are not heroes; they are clearly innocent victims in a terrible act by lunatics. Those attempting the rescue were heroes: attempting to care for others' welfare over the possible harm to themselves. Those who crashed the plane in Pennsylvania gave their lives to prevent the loss of others' lives they are heroes. I honor the fallen.....

What my concern is that we have dishonored them by accepting a loss of the freedoms they innocently or heroically died for. The wars of imperialism by the current, and regardless of who is elected, the next regime have been disastrous to our soldiers, Marines and sailors abroad, not to mention those we have swore to "help." The acquiescense of our "leaders" in the decay of this country is a sham to those whop were murdered during 9-11. Homeland Security??? Weren't we paying the Military to protect this country? How did the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex spend the money? Maybe they should have saved it and invested in Fannie and Freddie....

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